
Video for Linux 2, shortly called V4L2, is a revolving version of Linux V4L API. It eliminates design bugs and restrictions the previous version had. The main difference between V4L and V4L2 lies in the number of supported devices: V4L2 provides a slightly more comprehensive range.

The primary purpose of the V4L2 API is a camera device hardware provisioning and video frames production. In other words, it deploys a program that helps and application to learn one's device capabilities and to accomplish the needed device operation.

We have long-standing experience customizing V4L and V4L2 drivers for embedded systems according to your needs. We can design a V4L2 driver to support any hardware solutions a client chooses.

Besides, we’ve gained strong expertise working with platforms with V4L2 drives support: NXP iMX6, iMX8, Nvidia Jetson product range (NX, Xavier AGX, TX2, and Nano), and Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+.