Software & Hardware
Robotics Design Services
We develop autonomous and powerful robotic systems that bring business value
We utilise NVIDIA Jetson and Xilinx Kria hardware platforms and integrate chips from NXP, TI, ST, and Renesas to ensure the robust performance of your robot. Our engineers cover the entire robotics product development process, including firmware, drivers, cloud solutions, and other software based on Linux and ROS.

Our Expertise in Robotics Development

Robots from сoncept to production
We offer end-to-end solutions covering all your needs, including cobot development, mobile and household robots (e.g. hoovers and window cleaning systems), industrial machinery, transport and logistics robots, drones, and UAVs.

ROS-based product development
With ROS (robot operating systems), we create complex software with a focus on our clients’ unique business needs. Our ROS-based software development services are the best choice when reliability and uptime are of the utmost importance.

Industrial video surveillance systems
Within our robotics design and development services, we create video surveillance systems based on Jetson Nano. These solutions help you automatically detect rejects in production, handle video streaming, and monitor security.

Complex mechatronic systems
We create lift electronics, conveyors, crane electronics, and CNC solutions. These systems respond to changes in various physical parameters such as weight, pressure, temperature, and more.

AI-powered robot software
Our robotics design software is equipped to perform complex tasks to take your business to the next level with computer vision, object detection and tracking, semantic and instance segmentation, image reconstruction, and other features.

Motor control devices
We develop sophisticated solutions to facilitate motor control operations. Our team creates diverse solutions, including variable-frequency drives (VFD), frequency inverters, servo drives, soft starters, multi-axis motion controllers, stepper motor controllers, and others.
Our Services
Our Tech Stack
micro-ROS, ROS/ROS 2, LinuxCNC, Linux/Linux RT, RTOS
Motor types
PMSM, ACIM, BLDC, stepper motor
Lidars, radars, sonar and camera sensors
Camera interfaces and standards
SDI, HD-SDI, 12G-SDI, HDMI, MIPI CSI, MIPI CSI-2, FPD-Link III, Camera Link, USB, GigE, CoaXPress
Industrial automation apps
Mobile and web-based app development for WebOS, iOS, Android
SSI, BiSS, Hiperface DSL, EnDat, absolute encoder, incremental encoder
Robot Platform
AutoRally, Linorobot, onine, Rock, ROS, ROS 2, YARP
ViSP, BundleTrack, se(3)‑TrackNet
Inverse Kinematics
IKBT, RelaxedIK, Trip
Dynamics Simulation
ARCSim, Bullet, CHRONO::ENGINE, DART, Drake, Flex, FROST, IBDS, idyntree, KDL, kindr, Klampt, LibrePilot, MARS, MBDyn, MBSim, MBSlib, metapod, Moby, mrpt, MuJoCo, mvsim, Newton Dynamics, nphysics, ODE, OpenRAVE, pinocchio, PositionBasedDynamics, PhysX, PyDy, RBDL, RBDyn, RaiSim, ReactPhysics3d, RigidBodyDynamics.jl, Rigs of Rods, Robopy, Robotics Library, RobWork, siconos, Simbody, SOFA, Tiny Differentiable Simulator, trep, qu3e
Robotics Simulation
NVIDIA Isaac, robot-gui (a three.js based 3D robot interface), hexapod (fast hexapod robot simulator for the web), Hexapod Robot Simulator, Robosim (a 3D robot arm simulator), RoboSim (robot simulator), AI2-THOR, AirSim, ARGoS, ARTE, CARLA, CoppeliaSim, Gazebo, GraspIt!, Habitat-Sim, Ignition Gazebo, MORSE, Neurorobotics Platform, PyBullet, Simbad, Unity, Webots, AWS RoboMaker
CasADi, Ceres Solver, eigen-qld, EXOTica, hpipm, HYPRE, ifopt, Ipopt, libcmaes, limbo, lpsolvers, NLopt, OptimLib, OSQP, Pagmo, pymoo, qpsolvers, RobOptim, SCS, sferes2
AI frameworks
TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Darknet, XGBoost, Amazon Machine Learning, Torch, Accord.Net, Apache Mahout, Spark Mlib, Caffe, Theano, Accord.Net, Microsoft CNTK
Robot Modelling
Robot model description format: SDF, urdf
Utility to build robot models: phobos
AprilSAM, Cartographer, DSO, ElasticFusion, fiducials, GTSAM, Kintinuous, LSD-SLAM, ORB-SLAM2, RTAP-Map, SRBA
Motion Planning and Control
AIKIDO, CuiKSuite, Control Toolbox, Crocoddyl, GPMP2, HPP, MoveIt!, OMPL, OCS2, pymanoid, ROS Behavior Tree, Ruckig, The Kautham Project, TOPP-RA | Motion optimisers: TopiCo, towr, TrajectoryOptimization, trajopt | Nearest neighbour algorithms: Cover-Tree, Faster cover trees, FLANN, nanoflann | 3D mapping: libpointmatcher, Octree, OctoMap, PCL, Treexy, voxblox, Goxel
Why Promwad

Cross-functional team
We provide a complete cycle of hardware and firmware development services for robotics, as our team can handle all the engineering phases, from idea to mass production.

Narrow expertise
Our team members have specific areas of expertise in developing tailored concepts for robotics solutions and constantly improve their skills to provide the best solution for your task.

Use of innovations
We put great effort into staying up-to-date with new industry-specific technologies and consider new projects as challenges to apply and expand our knowledge.
Our Cooperation Models
Flexible approach to suit your current needs

Dedicated Team
We will form a team to fit your specific engineering task. You are free to manage it and provide additional resources.

We can join you at any stage or take on the entire project, including our management and risk control.

Fixed Price Model
This contract fixes the price so that it does not depend on resources used or time expended by our engineering team.

Time and Material
A T&M contract is the best option for your flexible set of tasks that are difficult or impossible to fix and assess in advance.
Our Case Studies in Industrial Automation
Do you need a quote for your industrial automation and robotics development?
Drop us a line about your project! We will contact you today or the next business day. All submitted information will be kept confidential.
What kind of customers do we make robotics and automation solutions for?
We offer hardware and software development services for robotics and industrial automation, catering to clients who manufacture such products. Our team focuses on the engineering aspect and does not automate production and business processes per se.
What are the main reasons that a client may need to implement industrial automation solutions?
There are several reasons for doing this: industrial automation results in improved performance and increased efficiency, allows the client to gather better data and metrics, creates operational improvements, and saves the client money. Even a recently started industrial robotics company, which may not have a lot of experience in every aspect of this field, can enter this market by outsourcing some tasks to other engineering companies that do have the necessary competencies and expertise – companies such as Promwad.
How do industrial automation solutions differ from traditional industrial equipment?
What is ROS?
What components does Promwad use? What software are Promwad’s projects based on?
What does the process of robot development look like?
- Product concept. First, we create a business plan, a detailed specification of your new product, and its conceptual design.
- Proof-of-concept. This is where we create a rough draft and refine the requirements. This stage also includes modelling, design, and calculation of mechanical characteristics.
- Hardware and software development. At this stage, we list the necessary components to design printed circuit boards (PCB) and develop system- and user-level software. We also make a bill of materials (BOM).
- Pilot batch. Our specialists assemble the device components and do integration testing to detect and correct any mistakes.
- Certification tests (if required).
- Preparation for production and launch of a pilot batch. We optimise the BOM, prepare final documents, and develop product-specific assembly diagrams.
What standards do you follow when developing robotics solutions?