Engineering Solutions for Media Сonverters
Media converters ensure seamless content adaptation across various platforms and devices, playing a critical role in network connectivity and extending fibre distances. Choose Promwad to develop bespoke media converters.
We create copper-to-fibre, fibre-to-fibre, and mobile media converters leveraging our extensive FPGA programming expertise. Our team develops robust firmware and designs hardware tailored to your specific size, shape, and interface requirements.
What We Offer

Supported Interfaces
Types of Media Converters

It is used in automatic operations with the initial configuration of port settings such as speed, duplex, and auto-negotiation via DIP switches.

It has custom firmware for link monitoring, fault detection, interface statistics, remote provisioning, configuration, and SNMP management.
Our Tech Map in FPGA
Vitis/Vivado, Quartus Prime, Diamond, Libero, Matlab
NVidia Jetson, Alveo, OpenVINO, TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe
Verilog, VHDL, VivadoHLS, Simulink/HDL Coder, С/C++, Python
High-speed PCBs, DDR4, JESD204b, HDMI, SDI, SI, PI, Thermo modeling
Zynq US+, RFSoC, Cyclone10, ECP5, MPF500
AD9361, AD9371, ADRV9009, Radars, Custom AFE, Antenas
DPDK, UDP 10G, TCP 10G, TAPs, L1/L2 IP cores
1G, 10G, 25G/40G, 100G
Our Case Studies in Telecom Industry
Do you need a custom media converter solution?
Drop us a line about your project! We will contact you today or the next business day. All submitted information will be kept confidential.