Automotive ASPICE-Compliant Software Development

ASPICE (full form: Automotive Software Process Improvement Capability dEtermination) is a set of rules and guidelines for the automotive industry and a quality management system we use in our software development. Our engineers develop embedded products for vehicles that are in line with the best international practices and industry standards. 

Promwad offers custom solutions to assist our clients in implementing ASPICE CL2-compliant projects. This approach enables us to meet the most important requirement of automotive market leaders: the high levels of quality and security of our embedded solutions for transport, which increases in complexity with every passing year.

The ASPICE Processes We Implement

System requirements and architecture development

Software development and
unit testing

Development of software/hardware/mechanical requirements and architecture

Software qualification and system quality testing

Integration testing

Hardware and mechanics testing

Compliance With ASPICE 4.0

Our development processes comply with ASPICE 4.0, the latest version of the Automotive SPICE standards, to meet the highest quality and reliability benchmarks. Here are the key features of ASPICE 4.0: 
  • Process reference model (PRM): Overview of the entire automotive software and system development lifecycle.
  • Process assessment model (PAM): Detailed guide for assessing process maturity through performance metrics.
  • Capability model: Six-level model, emphasising process management from basic to advanced and continuous improvement.
  • Traceability: Increased granularity in process and role descriptions for accurate audits and assessments.
  • Safety management: Detailed approach to safety and cybersecurity, adhering to the highest standards.
  • Flexibility: Scalable and adaptable processes, customisable for companies of any size and complexity.
aspice solutions promwad

5-Tier Maturity Scale of ASPICE Certification

Automotive SPICE certification of projects and companies is based on a scale of five ASPICE levels:

Level — Incomplete

ASPICE requirements are not fully met, and there are processes that need to be refined.

Level — Performed

Standard process requirements have been implemented, but some process steps must be improved.  

Level — Managed

Processes are fully or, to a greater extent ASPICE-compliant, or nearly so, and the company can supply its solutions.

Level — Established

Processes are fully ASPICE-standardised and are constantly being improved.

Level — Predictable

ASPICE standards are fully complied with, and the results are analysed for further estimation.

Level — Innovating

Improving performance standards in line with new engineering challenges.

V-Model Software Engineering

The Automotive SPICE software development process follows the V-model, which is divided into two parts: development (left side of the V) and testing (right side of the V). Each stage is tested for compliance with project requirements.

The main advantage is early-stage testing, which minimises the possibility of errors. This reduces design costs and time for customers and ensures security and verification for the engineering company.

With the V-model, you can track errors and results anytime during the project. Each stage is documented, referencing relevant points above or below the V-model.


The Promwad team employs Polarion ALM, a Siemens solution that collects information and captures links between phases to enable managing the lifecycle of applications or embedded systems, from wireless charging and GPS tracking to automotive computer vision solutions. It allows us to organise the workflows of distributed teams, establish all engineering processes in a unified environment, and keep track of requirements.


The Value of ASPICE in Automotive



Improved quality and reliability of the end software products



Testing and identification of possible errors at an early



In-depth elaboration of software requirements, design, and architecture

Why Promwad



We have experience applying industry standards to joint projects with our clients. Our automotive team is now working to pass an external assessment granting us the ASPICE CL2 level.


Full documentation

We describe all ASPICE engineering processes for vehicles to comply with the standard in terms of practical application and supporting documentation.


Professional audit

An auditor will review our documentation and Level 2 development processes to help us determine which operations need to be refined to reach Level 3.

Although our team is just gearing up for the official ASPICE CL2 level certification, we already provide automotive software development services that comply with this standard:


System and product requirements development


Software architecture design


System development


Documentation creation and management using Polarion ALM


MISRA and style checkers implementation


Unit and integration testing

Our Case Studies in Automotive

Would you like to develop your automotive software according to ASPICE standards?

Drop us a line about your project! We will contact you today or the next business day. All submitted information will be kept confidential.