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Cloud Application Development Services

Cloud app development services at Promwad are your opportunity to outsource the creation of secure and scalable software solutions on cloud infrastructure to achieve your business goals.

We offer a spectrum of cloud software development services, including consulting, optimisation, migration and maintenance. By leveraging the power of cloud computing, you can optimise your costs and design time, as well as increase agility and security.

Services We Provide

Explore cloud application development services at Promwad, where our experts work with you every step of the way to deliver tailor-made solutions for your business.

Cloud Consulting Services


At Promwad, we collaborate with you to immerse you in your business and understand your goals. When we provide cloud computing consulting solutions, we determine the most suitable deployment model and reliable platform for your company’s software.

You get a full understanding of your selected technology with our cloud computing consulting services, where our experts guide you through crucial aspects like architecture, security, and compliance.

Our cloud technology consulting will help you extract maximum value from your investments and choose the best way to meet your business needs.

Cloud-native application development services


With our cloud native application development services, you can take advantage of such reliable platforms as AWS, Azure, and others to build the architecture from the ground up, tailoring it to your specific project. This involves significant modifications to the underlying cloud infrastructure and using containers, microservices, serverless computing, and other latest technologies.

The process of cloud-native app development starts with the analysis of your requirements and defining the scope of work. Then, we design a complete architecture with such features as auto-scaling, load balancing, and fault tolerance. 

Custom cloud application development services


Whether you are automating industrial processes, building a connected IoT ecosystem, or designing a complex data analytics solution, our cloud app development services can cover all steps of your project, from custom backend development to UX and frontend development.

We employ an agile methodology to ensure your project is delivered on time and within budget. Our cloud app development services are based on a modular approach that breaks down the solution into smaller, more manageable components that can easily be maintained and scaled as your business grows.

Furthermore, we can integrate your software with other systems and services, such as data sources, APIs, and third-party tools. This can empower your operations and processes with valuable insights from your data.

Cloud migration services


Migrating to the cloud is challenging, but our experts can make the transition as smooth as possible by minimising downtime and avoiding significant disruptions to your day-to-day operations.

Before we start the process, we analyse your IT infrastructure and select the most suitable deployment and integration strategies. Cloud migration includes moving applications, data, and other business processes from a local environment to a cloud-based infrastructure.

We also provide post-migration support, covering testing, troubleshooting, and optimisation to guarantee that all systems continue to function correctly.

Cloud integration services


We connect cloud-based solutions with your existing on-premises systems and databases to create a unified and seamless environment through our cloud integration services. Using the latest integration technologies to develop custom connectors and APIs, we enable smooth data transfer between different systems.

By employing Promwad’s cloud integration services, you can achieve better data flow, improve process automation, and enhance the overall efficiency of your systems. Additionally, we ensure that all integrations are secure and compliant with industry standards and regulations.

Cloud optimisation services


Our cloud optimisation solutions improve the performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of your infrastructure. We help you identify areas for improvement and implement solutions to maximise your return on investment.

Our experts employ various techniques to optimise your cloud environment, such as load balancing, auto-scaling, and caching. Thus, your apps can quickly respond to changing demands while staying within budget.

We perform regular audits, offering additional recommendations for further optimisation through our cloud optimisation services. Our goal is to help you achieve optimal performance and cost savings for your business.

Architectural redesign


If you're experiencing issues with the performance or scalability of your current cloud architecture, Promwad can help you redesign your environment for enhanced efficiency. We assess your architecture and develop a redesign strategy while addressing weaknesses and bottlenecks of the existing software solution.

We enhance your software infrastructure to achieve high availability, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery. Our team does this through data replication, auto-scaling, and load balancing to ensure that the system can handle sudden increases in traffic and remain operational in case of emergency conditions.

Cloud security


Security is a top priority in cloud computing. At Promwad, we offer various security improvements, including endpoint detection and response, data encryption, as well as  identity, access, and compliance management.

With high-quality cloud backend development solutions, we ensure that only authorised users have access to your data and resources while implementing multi-factor authentication and encryption to provide an additional layer of security.

Additionally, we continuously monitor cloud systems and conduct regular security audits to detect potential threats and promptly address them.

Support and maintenance


Once your new software is up and running, we ensure that it's well-managed to prevent any issues and establish optimal performance and uptime.

To keep your application running smoothly, we provide maintenance, performance optimisation, bug fixes, and regular upgrades. We also proactively troubleshoot and resolve problems by conducting regular vulnerability assessments in order to protect your systems from potential threats.

Compliance and governance


Our compliance and governance experts help you navigate through complex regulations to mitigate risks and ensure that your software environment is secure.

Using industry-specific knowledge, we identify potential and existing compliance risks and vulnerabilities and perform regular audits to ensure adherence to regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA.

We also assist you in developing and implementing governance policies that align with your business objectives and regulatory requirements. Our team works with you to establish roles and responsibilities, define access controls, and implement monitoring and reporting mechanisms.

Disaster recovery planning


Disaster recovery planning is crucial to avoid unexpected downtime or data loss after cloud software development. We conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential threats and create disaster recovery strategies tailored to your business, which include backup and recovery procedures, redundant systems, failover mechanisms, and other essential components.

We leverage the latest technologies, including cloud-based backup and recovery, virtualisation, and automation, in order to ensure rapid recovery and minimise the impact of downtime.

Our Expertise Areas

We provide comprehensive cloud app development services across various service models and deployment types.

Сloud computing service models

IaaS | PaaS | SaaS | FaaS

Deployment types

Private | Public | Hybrid | Multicloud

Cloud service providers

Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Microsoft Azure | Google Cloud Platform (GCP) | IBM Cloud | Oracle Cloud | Bosch IoT Suite

Optimising Сosts & Improving Security of Cloud Data Processing

Implementing Edge Computing

We design edge computing solutions so that our clients can benefit from local data processing without the need for an internet connection. This approach reduces network traffic, cuts costs, and improves security by sending only the processed results to the cloud.

Benefits of Private Clouds

As a part of our cloud computing development services, we can set up and deploy private clouds that meet your business needs. This reliable deployment option offers greater security and access control while being entirely tailored to your business. By reducing data storage and server maintenance expenses, private clouds can be a more cost-effective solution.

Our Process


We research your industry specifics, business objectives, and functional requirements to plan further design stages.

Architecture Design

Based on the results of our analysis, we create a software architecture, taking security, performance, and cost optimisation into consideration.

UI/UX Design

Promwad’s designers create user-friendly interfaces to facilitate interactions with your cloud solutions and establish a flawless user experience.

QA & Testing

We conduct testing and QA outsourcing throughout the entire project, ensuring security and robust performance under varying loads.


We deploy your software to the selected cloud infrastructure and provide tech support to make things work as intended.


Promwad’s team analyses software performance and user feedback, addresses issues, and implements new features as needed.

We Work With


We help startups accelerate their growth by creating robust cloud solutions, allocating engineering teams to address specific challenges, and filling resource gaps.


We develop cloud systems to enhance our clients’ businesses in various industries: automotive, telecom, industrial automation, IoT, healthcare, and many more.

Tech Partners

We can be your reliable technology partner by building cloud software specifically tailored to your objectives. We are ready to become an integral part of your project.

Industries We Serve

Telecom &

Digital TV &
Video Streaming

AI &
Computer Vision


Industrial Automation &

Healthcare &

Surveillance &
Security Systems

Smart systems &

Our Case Studies

Air Quality Monitoring System

We designed a hardware and software system to assess air quality based on 6 key pollution parameters. Our solution consists of a network of measuring devices that send data to the cloud for real-time analysis and pollution mapping. We used the Bosch IoT Suite as an end-to-end toolbox to manage our IoT devices.

The supported bands:

  • LoRaWAN 868 MHz / ISM 433 MHz
  • Ethernet
  • GSM
  • WiFi


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IoT Waste Management System

We developed software for a processor module to manage garbage trucks and automate waste storage and disposal. We created the solution based on Linux and Android, and its main part was implemented in .NET Framework.

The next step in the creation of this project was to add machine learning and data processing within the IoT cloud.

The project connectivity features:

  • Connection with analogue video cameras
  • Wi-Fi, GPRS/3G, GPS
  • HDMI display connection with resistive touchscreen
  • Mezzanine connection to other printed circuit boards (RF transceivers)


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Why Promwad

Reduced expenses

We help cut cloud maintenance costs by taking advantage of intelligent project planning, selecting optimal architecture and technology, and using off-the-shelf software modules.

Faster development

Our solutions include quick setup and team onboarding, automated updates, well-established processes, and integration of third-party tools that all help to speed up the realisation of your project.

Increased flexibility

We scale capacity, deploy extra servers according to traffic, and maintain robust cloud security to ensure flexibility in adapting to changing business needs.

Our Engagement Models

Time & Material

– Payments for actual hours worked
– Regular reporting of time and results
– Regular communication with the team
– Connecting / disconnecting engineers on request
– Flexible development process

Dedicated Team

– Fixed monthly costs
– Custom-built team with specific competencies
– Fully dedicated engineering team
– Comprehensive IT infrastructure
– Max efficiency for complex projects


– Budget control
– Reduced risk
– Flexible resource allocation
– Clear scope
– Predictable timeline
– Quality control

Do you need a quote for your cloud software development?

Drop us a line about your project! We will contact you today or the next business day. All submitted information will be kept confidential.


What do cloud services provide and what are their potential benefits to your business?


Cloud solutions development enables businesses to store data, run applications, and manage infrastructure remotely. Cloud service models include software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), function as a service (FaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS), among others.

The advantages of using cloud services include cost savings, scalability, flexibility, improved collaboration, enhanced security, and the reduced burden of IT infrastructure management. 


What are the differences between PaaS, SaaS, FaaS, and IaaS?


  • PaaS (Platform as a Service): a platform and environment for developers to build applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. Our PaaS software development services help you build scalable and flexible solutions that can be deployed quickly and easily.

  • SaaS (Software as a Service): software applications hosted by a third-party provider and accessed by users over the internet. We offer SaaS application design services to create accessible solutions that don't require on-premises hardware or software.

  • FaaS (Function as a Service): a serverless computing platform that allows developers to run code in response to events or triggers without the need to manage servers or infrastructure. We can help you build serverless applications that are cost-effective and scalable with the help of this model.

  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): virtualised computing resources, such as servers, storage, and networking. Users can request and manage them on-demand. Promwad’s team designs and deploys IaaS solutions comprehensively.


How do I choose the right cloud service provider?


Factors such as the provider's reputation, range of services, data centre locations, security measures and policies, compliance certifications, pricing structure, and customer support all need to be considered when selecting a cloud service provider. 

Examples of cloud service providers that we work with: 

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  2. Microsoft Azure

  3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  4. IBM Cloud

  5. Oracle Cloud

  6. Bosch IoT Suite

We can help you select a provider and take all the specifics of your project into account.


What is the difference between public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud solutions?


As a part of our cloud infrastructure consulting services, we can help you determine which deployment type is best for your needs. Here are some key differences between them:

  • Public cloud: A third-party provider hosts and manages your infrastructure off-site, providing you with easy scalability options and pay-as-you-go pricing schemes.
  • Private cloud: You host and manage your infrastructure on-site or with a third-party provider, which gives you more control and security but requires more maintenance and upfront investment.
  • Hybrid cloud: A combination of public and private solutions, allowing you to balance between the public cloud's scalability and the private cloud's control.
  • Multi-cloud: Using multiple cloud providers for different services or applications allows you to avoid vendor lock-in and choose the best tool for each task. 

How do I ensure the security of my data with cloud solutions?


When it comes to securing data in the cloud, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The importance of selecting the right provider with strong security measures and a track record of successful security practices.
  2. The use of encryption to safeguard your data when it is being transmitted or when it is at rest.
  3. The implementation of strong access controls and authentication protocols to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive data.
  4. The necessity to regularly update your systems to prevent potential security vulnerabilities or exploits.
  5. The enhancement of your security through the implementation of firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions in order to mitigate potential threats.

Our cloud application consulting services can help you navigate these security concerns and guarantee that your data is well-protected in the cloud.


How can my business migrate to the cloud?


We offer cloud migration support that include assessing your current IT infrastructure, identifying the appropriate cloud provider, planning and executing the migration process, and monitoring and optimising the new environment of your product.


How much do cloud services cost?


Cloud service costs can vary depending on factors such as the provider, the type of service, the number of resources consumed, and the length of the contract. Many providers offer pay-as-you-go pricing, allowing you to pay only for the features and services that you use.

As part of our cloud infrastructure development services, we help you determine the best solution for your needs and optimise costs when helping you select your cloud service provider.


Can I use multiple cloud service providers?


You can use multiple software service providers. This is known as the multi-cloud strategy. This can provide certain benefits such as cost optimisation, redundancy (to ensure uptime), and avoiding vendor lock-in. However, it can also increase complexity and management overhead, so thoughtfully planning and implementing a multi-cloud strategy is essential.