20th Promwad's Anniversary: 500+ of Your Successful Projects Driven by Our Engineering Сuriosity

Today, June 3, Promwad is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Looking back at our company’s history, it’s hard to imagine that it all started with a small team of enthusiastic engineers. Their dreams have ignited other engineers and global brands in the automotive, industrial automation, telecom, and other industries. Thank you to our customers, partners and employees for making this day possible!
Over the past years, there have been many remarkable moments — the whole life of the company and its employees with ups and downs, great achievements, and hard teamwork. To remind our friends and partners what Promwad is today, we have collected 20 highlights:
1. The company started with five young engineers in 2004.

2. Our first team's office was in a basement. Today, Promwad has 100+ employees in 15 countries.

3. Our first project was the UX optimisation for a mobile measuring device. The contract value was $400.

4. Rapid growth started in 2007 when Promwad signed big projects with Canadian company JVL and Swiss company RigiSystems.
5. When we were 5, we initiated a series of digital electronics developer forums, which started with 100 participants.

6. Ahead of our 10th anniversary, we rebranded to express our new feel and look, which can cover the entire design cycle: from idea to mass production.

7. Promwad is now a large international company with offices in Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Serbia, and Poland.

8. We work with global tech vendors for direct access to the latest components and supply chains — Infineon Technologies, Hilscher, NXP, Realtek, Qualcomm, Microchip and others.

9. We have Promwad Travel, an adventure mountain trekking club for employees eager to conquer new heights not only in their work.

10. Our engineers worked on projects in the following regions: Europe and North America, as well as Western, Eastern, and Central Asia.
11.  The company's portfolio includes 500+ projects. Our clients have produced 3+ million devices!

12.  Since the company's early days, these key components have kept us together: challenge, open communications, and professional fulfilment.
13.  Twenty-two employees have worked for the company for more than 10 years.
14.  Promwad’s founder created the Bridgio Tech Accelerator — a community that unites hardware development enthusiasts.

15.  Our clients supply video solutions for Oscar-nominated films and global sporting events.

16.  Promwad passed the ISO 9001:2008 quality management certification in software development and testing.

17.  We have designed the first-of-its-kind platform for robotics based on Nvidia Jetson with industrial network support.

18.  We are happy that such guys as Vestel, Lynx, and SolarInvert trust our engineering expertise in addressing their business challenges.Â

19.  Last year, our company headquarters moved from Vilnius to Essen, Germany.

20. We grow and change together with our clients, united by common values and driven by engineering curiosity.
Over the past 20 years, Promwad, which started with hardware and embedded systems, has become a one-stop engineering company where you can cover all your needs, from mass-produced electronics design to all software development levels, including web development and mobile applications.
We dive into the specifics of our clients' businesses to address not just narrow engineering problems but to be a long-term technology partner for the companies we work with, helping them to advance with the latest technologies and components. We believe that this transformation and our growth are only possible by understanding and growing with our clients.
We appreciate each and every one of our clients, partners and employees who have been with us along this long journey. We believe there are many more achievements ahead. Let's continue this exciting adventure together, and we can do more!