No Batteries Needed: Designing Energy-Harvesting Gadgets

In the search for sustainable energy solutions, tech companies launch new in-demand products with energy harvesting systems that transform invisible waves in the surrounding environment into valuable electric power. Promwad adopts this energy-harvesting technology, assisting clients in their transition towards green energy.
By capturing and converting diverse forms of energy into electricity, energy-harvesting devices offer an alternative to traditional power sources and according with the global shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly consumption. This technology can power low-consumption devices that are switched on only occasionally, such as various sensors and remote controls.
At its core, energy harvesting technology harnesses the energy around us – light, thermal gradients, kinetic energy of motion or radio frequency (RF) waves. Our engineers are ready to start developing devices based on RF energy harvesting, as well as devices that use solar and vibration energy in the future.
Let’s consider RF waves to understand how energy-harvesting devices work:
- The antenna captures radio frequency energy from the environment in the form of electromagnetic waves emitted by various sources (cell towers, TV broadcasts, radios, Wi-Fi routers and other wireless devices).
- The captured RF waves are converted into direct current (DC) electricity, and a power management system regulates the harvested energy to power the device or stores it in a battery or capacitor for later use.

"RF energy harvesting is a new generation of free and green energy. By harnessing it from the environment, you can replace traditional batteries in low-power devices, improving energy efficiency and reducing the need for power supplies.
By extending the lifecycle of devices and avoiding disposable batteries, RF energy harvesting also helps reduce electronic waste's environmental impact”,
said Pavel Moroshek, Head of Embedded Services Unit at Promwad
The RF energy harvesting system captures energy from the air, keeps home devices alive even when traditional power sources become inefficient. It also has the critical advantage of storing the collected energy in capacitors for short-term or rechargeable batteries for long-term operation.
Areas of application and more examples of RF harvesting devices
RF energy harvesting is applicable not only in homes and consumer gadgets but also in industrial farms, agricultural facilities, factories, plants, and smart city environments.
Here are just a few examples of these devices in the consumer electronics area:
- Wireless switches and controls for smart homes use RF energy harvesting to operate lighting systems, home appliances, and security devices.
- Wearable devices (fitness trackers and smart watches) can extend the battery life and enhance user convenience.

A wireless sensor of smart home system
And that's how the technology can be applied to manufacturing and urban infrastructure:
- RF energy-harvesting smart sensors for agriculture are placed throughout agricultural fields to monitor soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels. They harness RF energy from nearby cellular networks or wireless communication systems to power themselves.
- Infrastructure health monitoring sensors for smart cities embedded within bridges, buildings, and roads use RF energy harvesting to monitor structural integrity. They detect and transmit data on vibrations, stresses, and cracks, drawing power from urban RF sources.
- Environmental monitoring stations collect data on air quality, radiation levels, and weather conditions.
Advances in energy harvesting technologies are a promising step for sustainable and autonomous energy solutions. Promwad has already started working with RF harvesting and can offer our clients a full cycle of services: developing a device from scratch, including hardware design, software, and manufacturing, as well as implementing this technology into existing products.
If you would like to embark on a project that explores the cutting edge of developments in energy harvesting, we are available to discuss your ideas!