Automating OpenWRT Updates for Wi-Fi Devices with CI/CD

ci cd process openwrt

Denis Petronenko


By Denis Petronenko

Head of Telecom Unit at Promwad 

Managing software updates for OpenWRT-based telecom devices, especially for complex product lines, is challenging and time-consuming. Automating the update process through a сontinuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline offers a solution by streamlining testing, integration, and deployment. 

If you use OpenWRT-based systems for your telecom devices, you are probably aware of possible issues with software updates, especially if you have devices from various vendors. How to update OpenWRT smoothly without it becoming a time-consuming process?

CI/CD is an automated software development practice that enables continuous testing, integration, and deployment of code changes. No matter how small, every update or patch is tested in real-time, ensuring it integrates seamlessly with your existing system before being automatically deployed to your devices.

Here's one example from our engineering team: we automated software upgrade processes for OpenWRT using Jenkins, an open-source automation server for testing and deploying new builds. We tested our solution on the Realtek RTL9301 devkit with a PC and OpenWRT source code.


With CI/CD process for OpenWRT, you can minimise human error, reduce downtime, and ensure that updates are delivered consistently and quickly. The result is your uninterrupted service, faster bug fixes, and a more agile response to security threats that keeps your devices ahead of the curve and your customers satisfied.

By outsourcing your software updates to our experts in CI/CD for OpenWRT-based systems, you can focus on innovation while we ensure your devices operate at peak performance. 


Write to us today to learn how we can help you automate your OpenWRT update process!