Promwad Team

On this page, we want to tell you what 2022 was like for us and how it transformed Promwad.
16 December 2022
This weekend we sponsored and co-organised a hackathon, which focused on the development of new products for Smart & Eco Environment.
13 December 2022
Promwad opens a new engineering office in Niš, Serbia
We have officially opened a new office in Nis. This is our fourth European location after Lithuania, Latvia, and Germany.
14 September 2022
We asked our colleagues about their path in the company, plans, and much more.
13 July 2022
18 years: how we built an international company to take care of your products
Today, we say thank you to the Promwad team (to our current and former employees), our customers and our partners.
06 June 2022
Let's talk about how Promwad is integrating into the EU ecosystem, abandoning our plans to develop business in Belarus and Russia. Our interviewee is...
12 May 2022
Thanks to Promwad Team for Supporting Humanitarian Aid Funds in Ukraine!
Special thanks to our volunteers, who supported the initiative to raise funds for humanitarian projects in Kyiv, Odesa, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
08 April 2022
How to keep your commercial secrets safe? We reveal the most valuable information hidden inside the products for an electronics market.
13 October 2021
Hare is our experience of entering the global market through partnerships with international companies to inspire you to develop your own business
31 August 2021
The Promwad FPGA team has a profound experience on Lattice’s low-power FPGA, tools, and technologies. We have completed several projects for our...
27 August 2021
Today we are delighted to declare a partnership between Promwad and Renesas officially.
15 July 2021
Domain-specific ASPICE (ISO/IEC 15504) is one of the automotive industry standards that will guide us while executing our client’s projects.
27 May 2021