OCPP Implementation: Protocols 2.0.1 Edition 3 and 1.6 for EV Charging Stations



Alexey Safonov,  

Head of Automotive Unit at Promwad 

Despite the widespread adoption of the latest OCPP 2.0.1 Edition 3, the previous release – OCPP 1.6 – is still used for charging infrastructure solutions. Whatever OCPP implementation is required for your project, we are ready to meet this challenge. In this article, we share the key features and benefits of the OCPP protocol and a case study of our client — the American company Proterra.

OCPP is an application-layer protocol responsible for communicating charging infrastructure with its central control system. It supports different CSMS manufacturers.


OCPP Versions: 1.6 vs 2.0.1 Edition 3

Currently, the most popular versions of the OCPP protocol are the 1.6 and 2.0.1 releases, including Edition 3. 

OCPP 1.6 is an early version that provides basic functions for communication between charging points and control systems.

The next version 2.1 includes a few improvements from 1.6, like advanced transaction management, security features, and an error handling mechanism. But that's not all. The second version also includes device management, smart charging, remote firmware updates, and – one of the most important features – integration with ISO 15118 for bidirectional charging!

Updates in the 3rd edition of the OCPP 2.0.1 specification aim to improve the protocol's implementation, certification, and overall adoption, which is crucial for the electric vehicle charging ecosystem. The OCPP 2.0.1 certification program allows users to verify their protocol implementation consistently, and the new test cases help users understand how to prepare for the certification process.

In the table below, we outlined the key features of OCPP 2.0.1 compared to 1.6 and additional features of the third edition:


Updated OCPP 2.0.1 Features Included in the Original 1.6 Release

New OCPP 2.0.1 Protocol Features

Updates in the 3rd edition of OCPP 2.0.1 

  • Advanced transaction management to handle charging sessions for large networks with many charging stations with OCPP.


  • Enhanced security features for data transmission and protection via TLS protocol, secure WebSockets (WSS) for encrypted communication, digital certificates for authentication and role-based access control.


  • Enhanced error handling mechanism with detailed error codes, descriptions, and possible fixes.


  • Improved messaging structure for notifications about tariffs, energy and consumption rates.
  • Device management to control a complex network of chargers with OCPP from different suppliers.


  • OCPP for smart charging for energy management systems that control the load of the power grid during peak hours at all charging points in the network.


  • Integration with ISO 15118 to support vehicle-to-grid (V2G) communication for the bi-directional EV charging.


  • Remote firmware updates for charging stations: problem identification, maintenance planning, and software updates are now possible without physical access to the charging points.


  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) coding with flexible development of charging station management software.
  • Errata clarifies and corrects the existing OCPP 2.0.1 specification part to improve the protocol's accuracy.


  • Certification profiles introduces the OCPP 2.0.1 certification program, which includes the core and advanced security profiles to assist users in implementing the protocol successfully.


  • Test cases provide practical simulation scenarios with step-by-step instructions to help implementers prepare for the OCPP 2.0.1 certification. New test cases related to local authorisation list and advanced device management, smart charging, reservation, advanced user interface and ISO 15118 support. 


Case Study

Promwad helps its clients to integrate both protocol versions. Commissioned by American company Proterra, we implemented OCPP in the device firmware to control electric discharge systems using Open OCPP.

As a result, Prottera's OCPP-compliant software by has become compatible with various charging station management systems (CSMS). Now, users of this engineering solution can manage charging stations from different manufacturers, creating a flexible and versatile infrastructure.


Summing Up

The OCPP protocol helps to solve the compatibility problem between charging stations and their management systems from different manufacturers. Currently, charging infrastructure owners use OCPP 1.6 software for their equipment and are gradually moving to OCPP 2.0.1 edition 3. 

Version 1.6 is quite capable. It contains the basic functions that ensure the correct operation of charging stations. However, OCPP 2.0.1 and its latest edition offer additional features: smart charging, increased security, and no additional user authorisation via bank cards or applications. 

Which protocol is best to use in your project depends on your requirements. Tell us about your challenges, and we will help you choose the best solution.



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